List of Speakers (AEPF in Manila)
February 12, 2018
Assuring affordable, accessible and quality Public Services for all: Tool for leveling inequality, mobilizing for transformative change!
Manila, 13-15 February 2018
Vittorio Agnoletto (Italy)
A former member of the European Parliament and part of the International Council of the World Social Forum, he is a Professor in “Globalization and Health Policies” at the University of Milan.
Alghiffari Aqsa (Indonesia)
Director of Jakarta Legal Aid Institute and member of Global Network for Public Interest Lawyers, he helped with several strategic and people-centric litigations like the Citizens Law Suit on the Right to Water that enabled the Indonesian Supreme Court to order the termination of water privatization in Jakarta and to uphold people’s fundamental right to water.
Sören Becker (Germany)
At the University of Bonn and Humboldt University, he teaches and researches on new forms of organization in energy transitions and on energy remunicipalisation that promotes democratic participation and control, and environmental sustainability.
Mae Buenaventura (Philippines)
Former director of Women’s Legal and Human Rights Bureau, she is Vice President of the Freedom from Debt Coalition and Deputy Coordinator of the Asian Peoples’ Movement on Debt and Development (APMDD), a regional alliance that led in forming the Tax and Fiscal Justice Asia.
Barry Coates (New Zealand)
The former head of Global Justice Now, Chair of the UK Trade Justice Movement and Co-Chair of the Global Campaign for Climate Action, he serves as the Green Party Member of Parliament in New Zealand.
Mladen Domazet (Croatia)
He is Research Director at the Institute for Political Ecology in Croatia which is engaged in advocacy research for the democratization, transparency, and efficiency of public services and state enterprises.
Tina Ebro (Philippines/Netherlands)
An educator and organizer since the 70s, she founded human rights platforms in the Philippines and serves as head of the Focal Point in Asia of the Asia-Europe People’s Forum.
David Hall (United Kingdom)
He is Professor in the UK and was Director of the Public Services International Research Unit that carried out for three decades the strategic Public Services and Privatization Research, globally.
Satoko Kishimoto (Japan/Belgium)
Activist researcher on water and public services at the Transnational Institute, she is editor of the following books: Our Public Water Future, and Reclaiming Public Services: How cities and citizens are turning back privatization.
Meena Menon (India)
An educator and writer, and former coordinator with Focus on the Global South in India, she founded the Urban Action School and the Citizens Rights Collective (CiRiC) which are key policy groups supporting informal labor.
Francine Mestrum (Belgium)
Founder of Global Social Justice, member of the International Council of the World Social Forum, author of books on development, poverty and social commons, she is the Link Person of the AEPF Thematic Cluster on Social Justice.
Lidy Nacpil (Philippines)
She is Coordinator of the Asian People’s Movement on Debt and Development, Co-coordinator of the Global Campaign to Demand Climate Justice, and Vice President of the Freedom from Debt Coalition.
Sharad Onta (Nepal)
Professor of Community Medicine and Public Health and author of papers on public health policies, he was Nepali Health Ministry Advisor when essential health services for all were declared free.
Miriam Planas (Spain)
She works with Engineering without Borders that seeks to guarantee universal access to basic services, and Spanish Public Water Network and European Water Movement that advocates for democratic and non-commercial water management.
Charles Santiago (Malaysia)
A Malaysian Member of Parliament who Chairs the ASEAN Parliamentarians for Human Rights (APHR), he is co-convenor of AEPF and serves as an International Organising Committee member.
Peter Ronald de Souza (India)
Currently, he is Professor at the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies (CSDS), former Director of the Indian Institute of Advanced Study, and was Interim Director of International Centre for Human Development, and part of Senior Expert group to prepare the report ‘Rethinking Education: Towards a global common good’ for UNESCO.