The Asia Europe People’s Forum: An Introduction

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By Tina Ebro
Ghent, Belgium
29 September 2018

In 1996, twenty two years ago, AEPF was formed on the eve of the first ASEM Summit in Bangkok. At that time, key social movements and NGOs were concerned that the dominant development approach, corporate power, unaccountable elites and multilateral institutions would lead to increasing inequality, injustices and poverty in Asia, Europe and worldwide. We in AEPF wanted that an alternative paradigm that puts people at the center of development, a people-centered approach to regional integration, and just multi -polar world without hegemons, be heard in the ASEM meetings.

​Since then AEPF has trail blazed the cooperation and working together of progressive civil society in Asia and Europe, that complement initiatives at the local and national levels. It has organised 12 Peoples Forums that involved coalitions of farmers, urban poor and women’s organisations, trade unions, regional campaign networks and NGOs, and progressive think-tanks and scholars, parliamentarians and journalists.

The past People’s Forums were large undertakings and vibrant gatherings like this one in Ghent where we have participants from about 44 nationalities. The last Forum in Ulaanbatar had 750 participants including local volunteers from 42 countries, which highlighted the diversity and wealth of experience through the plenary sessions, workshops and other events.

AEPF however, is not only about holding People’s Forums every 2 years and advancing the peoples agenda at ASEM Summits. It is about working in solidarity with key movements in Asia and Europe; with caucusing and reflecting on how to develop relevant advocacies and how to disseminate creative ideas that are doable and viable alternatives through the social and mainstream media. In part we aim to achieve these through the Asia-Europe Thematic Clusters. In-between the People’s Forums.

The Thematic Clusters hold events that bring together activists and scholars for collaborative campaigns towards systemic change. This year (2018) for example, the following events were held:

  • The Climate and Just Transitions Cluster held in Bangkok a Tribunal and actions that were covered by the international press – “No to financing fossil fuels and transforming the energy systems.”
  • Social Justice Cluster organized an Asia-Europe event on “ Reclaiming affordable and quality Public Services” Conference in Manila; and in Barcelona, a Conference on the Social Commons, Social Justice and System Change”.
  • The Just Trade and Corporate Accountability Cluster organized in Jakarta a conference on “Civil society resistance to the impunity of corporate power and free trade agreements.
  • The Peace and Security Cluster held Roundtable Discussions on critical issues in a workshop in Vietnam and a meeting inside the Japanese Peace Boat.
  • The Food Sovereignty and Resource Justice Cluster co-organised the ERPI or Emancipatory Rural Politics Institute in The Hague.

This 12th Asia Europe People’s Forum entitled, “Building New Solidarities: Our Emancipatory Struggles within a New Global Context” has the following aims:

  • Provide a sharp analysis on the geopolitical situation and trends and the impact on peoples’ lives and the environment.
  • Identify recommendations from Cluster events for the Final Statement that will be submitted to ASEM heads of states on Oct. 18, that will also be basis of an Agenda for ASEM Parliamentarians.
  • Finalise a Final Declaration that will be a living document with people’s urgent aspirations and vision that will be shared with other civil society networks, and the public.

Friends, the AEPF continues to critically engage the ASEM whose countries account for about two thirds of the world population, and more than 50 % of the world output. With people-centered states, ASEM has the potential to become a strategic vehicle for the fundamental re-orientation of globalization by advancing treaties and policies that will respond to the major challenges we face today.

Hence the Declaration will be submitted to the heads of states at the ASEM Summit Meeting on October 18. Thereafter, at the Opening Session of ASEM, the AEPF spokesperson will urge states to muster the political will and take the bold steps to put the welfare of people and planet at the center of policy-making and governance.

Hence, against the background of a climate crisis, unprecedented inequality, the threat to democracy brought about by spreading authoritarianism and right-wing nationalisms in both Asia and Europe, the International Organising Committee hopes that it can continue to create spaces to link current struggles, emerging grassroots resistance movements and alternative visions regionally, inter-regionally and globally – for another world based on social, economic and ecological justice, peace, human rights and participatory democracy.