People’s Charter
Following discussions with some Parliamentarians, a more concise summary of the priority recommendations of the eight specific People’s Agendas has been collectively developed and agreed. This is our People’s Charter.
The People’s Charter is a basis for the engagement with Parliamentarians in ASEM member countries.
The People’s Charter is also seen as a summary of the core visions and demands of organisations and social movements engaged with the AEPF and as a basis for strengthening the engagement with other social movements and groups.
A People’s Charter is essential for our common futures – to take us all closer to a just, equitable, resilient, post-carbon, sustainable world.
Organisations, movements, individuals and Parliamentarians can signify their commitment to take forward the spirit and some of the specific recommendations shared in the People’s Charter by signing to commit to actively lobby and engage with Parliamentarians, elected representatives and decision makers to make this become a lived reality in their lifetimes.
We encourage you to read the People’s Charter, share it with Parliamentarians and share your commitment to do so by signing, sharing and working to take it forward.
People’s Pledge
At the heart of the People’s Pledge is to generate energy, momentum and commitment to be part of contributing to a Just, Peaceful and Sustainable World, building on people’s involvement in AEPF13.
The People’s Pledge has been collectively developed and agreed by people involved in the AEPF to express and energise commitment to contributing to our transitions from a fundamentally extractive and dehumanising economic and political system, to ones that safeguard life and ensure social protections, considering the principles of equality, justice and ecological sustainability to be paramount in all deliberations.
We can bring together and link people who pledge to do this.
Organisations, movements, individuals can signify their commitment by signing the pledge to be actively committed to work collaboratively for rapid and just transitions built from the ground up.
We encourage you to read the People’s Pledge, link with other movements and activists and to do so by signing, sharing and working to take the vital commitments in the People’s Pledge forwards.